About Us
Our Constitution
1. The Society is established for the public benefit in Burford and the surrounding parishes of Fulbrook, Swinbrook, Widford, Asthall, Shilton, Holwell, Westwell and Taynton. It is a registered Charity (Náµ’ 261784). Its aims are to support the historic character of the built environment through the planning system, to stimulate public interest in the local area, and to promote its cultural and artistic life.
2. In pursuit of these aims the Society:
Comments to the local planning authority on applications with significant implications for conservation or development;
Arranges an annual programme for members of talks, visits and other events;
Makes grants from its funds to local charities and other good causes;
Publishes a guide of local walks for visitors.
3. The Society, through its Committee, has the power:
To raise funds and receive contributions, but not to undertake permanent trading activities;
To accept gifts of property which do not incur liability for expenditure inconsistent with its aims or beyond its financial capability.
To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of its property or funds;
To borrow or raise money for the Society’s aims, provided that the liability of each member does not thereby extend beyond the amount of their annual subscription.
4. Membership of the Society is open by subscription to all residents in the area and any others interested in its aims. The amount of the subscription must be approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
5. Membership is annual and individual (no life or joint membership). The Committee may from time to time recommend to the AGM the award of honorary membership to persons who have given long or special service to the Society or the local community.
6. The Committee may declare a membership to have lapsed if the annual subscription is unpaid three months after it is due.
7. The Committee manages the Society’s business. It comprises:
The Officers of the Society (Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer), who are also trustees of
The charity;
Up to six ordinary members;
Up to five village representatives.
8. The Chairman, other Officers and members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve for a maximum of ten years.
9. For Committee meetings the quorum is five, at least two of whom should be Officers.
10. The Committee’s responsibilities are:
To arrange a programme of talks and other activities for the Society’s members. There should be at least six such events during the year, including the AGM.
To examine planning proposals in the local area which are of interest to the Society.
To arrange the publication of ‘Walks Round Burford’ and any other material required.
To approve the payment of grants to local charities and other good causes.
To recommend the level of subscription for approval by the AGM.
To create sub-committees.
11. The responsibilities of the Officers include the following:
a. Chairman:
To preside at the AGM and committee meetings;
To take the chair at talks and other events, welcome the speaker and arrange for any vote of thanks;
To appoint the membership of sub-committees.
b. Hon Secretary:
To arrange the business and take the minutes of the AGM and committee meetings;
To arrange for posters and other publicity regarding events;
To conduct correspondence regarding events and maintain contact with speakers;
To ensure that the Society complies with the requirements of the Charity Commission.
c. Hon Treasurer:
To maintain the Society’s financial records, make payments and take receipts;
To arrange for the annual certification of the Society’s accounts;
To maintain the list of members and chase overdue subscriptions
12. The Society’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December. The AGM should be held as soon as practicable after the accounts for the preceding year have been certified, and not later than 31 March. The quorum is eleven members including the Officers.
13. The business of the AGM is:
To approve the accounts for the preceding year;
To approve the programme for the current year;
To determine the level of subscription;
To approve any changes to this constitution.
To approve the appointment of Officers and members of the committee.
14. The agenda and papers for the AGM should be circulated to all members three weeks before the meeting. Nominations for election as Officers or members of the committee should be sent to the Hon Secretary at least 48 hours before the meeting.
15. Resolutions put to a General Meeting are to be determined on the basis of one member, one vote and a simple majority of those present and voting (except in the case of dissolution, see below).
16. The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an AGM or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. Three weeks’ notice of the motion for dissolution must be given to all members, together with proposals for the subsequent transfer of the Society’s funds, property and records to any suitable charities.
The Society, a long established charity (261784), is established for the public benefit in Burford and the surrounding parishes of Fulbrook, Swinbrook, Widford, Asthall, Shilton, Holwell, Westwell and Taynton and all residents can become members.
To that end the Burford and District Society organizes an annual programme for members of talks, visits and other events. The meetings are usually at 7.00pm in the Warwick Hall, Church Lane, Burford, OX18 4RY. The annual membership fee is £10, starting 1st January. Non-members are also welcome to attend meetings in the Methodist Church, entry £5.
It also comments to the local planning authority on applications with significant implications for conservation or development of the area, makes grants from its funds to local charities and other good causes and publishes a guide of local walks for visitors. All requests for grants should go to the Treasurer of the Burford and District Society, John White, at johnwhite.mullenders@gmail.com