Stephen Cooper writes about matters of current interest and forthcoming events
The Committee has been busy with finalising the appointment of new trustees and other administrative matters, made necessary by the changes in personnel at the beginning of the year; but we have found time to deal with two applications for grants and many other matters. We have now almost finalised the planning of our programme for 2025.
The guided Tour of Broughton Castle took place on May 21st. We had some 40 bookings which meant dividing into two groups on the day. Everyone agreed that the Tours were excellent and I am sure we all learned a lot, not least about the 22 Lords Saye and Sele who have lived there and the numerous films which have been made in the Castle. We were also entertained by the 22nd Lord's little dog, who seemed to very keen to enjoy our company. We have written to those who entertained us on the day to thank them; and I would like to say a word of thanks here to our Secretary, Events Organiser and Treasurer, who made it all possible. Broughton is a truly magnificent house to have on our doorstep.
As I wrote last time, our Annual Tea and Garden Party will be held on 18 June at 7, Lower High Street, Burford. On 17 September Juliet Heslewood will give a talk entitled Travels with my Aunt at the Warwick Hall; and on 15 October we will have our Annual Lunch followed by a talk by Gerard Moate entitled 'Curiouser & Curiouser' (a dozen objects which are clues to a dozen places). Details of all these events can be found on the Society's website and they will be publicised further nearer the respective dates.
Looking at the wider picture, the tourists are back in Burford. The Tolsey Museum re-opened on a daily basis on 1 April; and business is booming. Tolsey Talks are proliferating. Meanwhile, as I write, the Burford Festival is about to begin...